
Friday, September 25, 2009

In the mail today...

Congratulation to the owner of this!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


YES, have you ever felt that at any point in time that you don't really know where you are at? Its interesting when it happened, suddenly I felt like I have woken from a dream that I didn't know I was in a dream and the boundary between reality and dream is so blur, so blur that you will question dream as to reality or for that matter, reality to dream, afterall, can you really say you are not in a fantasy land and not the total truth?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Best Partner...

So what is the best partner? It just suddenly pop up as I was telling my brother what I feel is the best partner with sunset in terms of wine...haha...and really got me thinking what and maybe who is the best partner and what is "best" for that matter...?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Focus...so where is the focus now? Master...am I mastering what I believe I should? Believe...am I sustaining my belief? Generosity...Are you working hard enough to be generous?

Questions questions....more questions...need to be reminded and need to be answer asap, as time will not wait for you, no one is going to stop for you, keep that in mind please...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lamole di Lamole Chianti Classico Riserva 2005

Recently I feel that I am building up my interests on italian stuff, mainly food and wine haha, and probably ferrari as well which I cannot afford...anyhow, tonight...I decided that I will have italian cuisine and this time its Al Dente, which the food in itself is excellent, so I recommend you to go for a bite if you have not already been.

Back to the wine of the night, Lamole di Lamole Chianti Classico Riserva 2005, my first chianti and definitely not the last. I remember when I first have any kind of impression on italian wine, its the word chianti that catches my eyes. As this is only my first experience, I can only give my own impression on this wine and this wine alone, not comparing with any other chianti out there in the market...

My initial impression is excellent, haha, mind you, I am only talking about the simplicity of the label and the bottle with the DOCG sticker around the neck, classy! When the bottle is open, I couldn't detect any aroma, which is probably due to the strong tasty smell of the italian food in the air...as the wine is pour into the glass, the colour is of ruby red, definitely on the lighter side and the flow is quite thin...and on the nose, there is a strong sense of young fruits, a very refreshing kind of feeling, cherries, plumes, apricots are all present...on the palate, extremely smooth, light body and simple. Same as the Le Volte, this wine is extremely inviting all through the bottle, very well balanced. The initial sip also gave a positive sourness of fruits which really start off the night and my appetite, bon appetit!

As the night continue, I began to sense a light coffee flavour in the wine but the lightness really last through the entire bottle. Time for visualisation - Initially I felt this wine is extremely youthful, but with the balance structure of the wine, I found myself sitting in a study room in the middle of the night, not long before the sunrise, the quietness and the gentleness of this wine kept me company and give me comfort, though the feeling is so natural that one can hardly detect it but its always there, not making an impression but the naturalness just keep me at ease when I really need it...

So that's all for this wine...

Cheers for now!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Le Volte 2007...

Le Volte 2007 by ORNELLAIA, one of the "Super Tuscan" name that many people will have heard of, and this is their budget selection. Recently I come to realise that Italian wine is on average more expensive than a lot of french wine in terms of the value aspects. Though as a drinker of knowing little about the complexity in wine tasting, I usually comment on a bottle of wine purely based on my own preference...so it is no where close to the professional rating system haha...

Anyway back to this what some people call "Little Super Tuscan" - Le Volte 2007...it has become one of my favourite...due to my habit of drinking wine without any pairing with food, this wine is very well balanced even for drinking alone. The initial taste is full of plumes and berries and continues to develop into tastes of almond which is extremely tasteful...As I continue, my feeling is that I can continue to drink more, a very inviting wine and I never get a feeling of heaviness all through the bottle. If I am to visualise this wine, I would say that I felt like I was walking down a small garden path in Tuscany terroir under the autumn breeze...hmm...in a lazy late afternoon, as the sun is setting in the distance...

Hmm...interesting huh? I only have one bottle left but no worries, Citysuper is promoting this newly released italian wine for the whole of September!

Cheers for now...