
Monday, May 18, 2009


In the midst of confusion and chaos, there is always an opening, an opening which always lead to a plateau...a plateau is a flat broad surface which carries a deeper meaning of stability. When a plateau is being reached, it will be hard to move through and worse still is the comfort that this is giving me...comfort that a certain level seems to have been reached...comfort that something has been accomplished...an illusionous comfort zone that is designed to keep me there forever...no ends...as whichever directions I look, the same scenery appear before my very eyes...I can no longer define which is which...can you?

Complication and complexity seem to have implanted into me even on this plateau I feel irritated...as I placed myself on this grandeur high ground, the core is too sensitive to stand any "attack" on its righteousness...now that's not a joke...its "righteousness"is pretty serious stuff...extremely vulnerable but at the same time, this vulnerability is a protective shield from being attack...and that's confusing...any gestures can hardly be genuine...as this game has been planned and set up from the very beginning...once realised...I am no longer worthy of talking about love...no wonder I dream of myself running around on the corridor of a hotel floor chasing and hiding, no matter where I go...I am still on the same floor...from start to and end and back to start again...

to be continue...

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