
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Poem...

"If I should meet thee

After long years

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

- When We Two Parted"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Beginning of a new month which in a way seems to have lost meaning in my life...time seems to be on halt and I seem to be also standing quite rigidly on a ground which is colourless and soundless as a vacuum...all I can hear is the nothingness in the air...

P.S. I wish you are well and sound.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


這一刻 突然覺得好熟悉
像昨天 今天同時在放映
我這句語氣 原來好像你

差一點 騙了自己騙了你

卻變不了 預留的伏線
以為在你身邊 那也算永遠

可是昨天 己非常遙遠
但閉上我雙眼 我還看得見*

可惜不是你 陪我到最後
曾一起走 卻走失那路口
感謝那是你 牽過我的手

那一段 我們曾心貼著心
可能你 已走進別人風景
多希望 也有 星光的投影

感謝那是你 牽過我的手 還能感受那溫柔
感謝那是你 牽過我的手 還能溫暖我胸口

Hotpot night!

Wine wine wine...from Oz and France!

Waiting waiting waiting..............................................................


Lazy Sunday..

Lazy Sunday..............................................................................


Just realised that I don't have one single entry in the month of november...so better catch the day and time for reflection...

A month where a lot has happened and a lot is still happening, but as we always say, look straight ahead and don't look back right, rather die on the road ahead of us than living in the past. Don't you think?


  1. Winter has finally arrived and I can finally take out my leather jacket!
  2. A friend's cookies venture is now in business, so happy for her!
  3. Polaroid is finally re-releasing their films again for my sx-70! So happy!
  4. Strap-Works genuine alligator strap is finally back in stock, I love mine so much!
  5. I am building up my wine notes on my iPhone now, help me out if you have wine to share!

Friends that I wanted to catch up and haven't get to catch up yet, looking forward to see you guys again!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


When I was young, I guess I was like most kids that the only way to do something that supposed to be a bit more adult will require some sort of approval from my parents...so that's what I thought, but when I begin to grow up, I realised that being young was not the reason behind needing to get an approval....to do anything....in fact, we need approvals to do everything...and every now and then, we still look for approval from our parents...or am I the only one doing that I wonder...

So why do I need all these approvals? My immediate answer would be that there is a sense of uncertainty in stepping into whatever that I was planning to do which really means that I am unsure of the SELF person that I am and probably loosing bits and pieces along the path from childhood to adult.

As a figure of speech, let's call it a day, and be SELF, don't you think? I am pretty tired and really sick of this idea of needing any more approval and the feeling uselessness, so I will call it a day...

Monday, October 12, 2009

500 days of summer...

I thought it was a love story with somekind of romantic twist, but I ended up watching a story about love...as it stated clearly on its poster...but you know how very often we look at things the way we want to look at it and twist it to a meaning that suits our appetite?

I was totally blown by the unexpected reality that this movie brought in front of me, when you thought you have gotten over with something but small things somehow will trigger the unfilled gap that was not fully recovered...I mean, I doubt it will ever be recovered...at least I thought the gap was not there any more...

Fate...destiny...love...whatever you wanna call it...is really only in the eyes of the one who sees it...and it doesn't necessarily work both ways even when it seems to do so...can we ever jumped out from this contradictions? Or maybe that's the most honest truth ever screen....




我想我很快樂 當有你的溫熱




我想我很適合 當一個歌頌者


你知道 就算大雨讓這個城市顛倒


受不了 看見你背影來到

寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷

就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑

逃不了 最後誰也都蒼老

寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡

Friday, September 25, 2009

In the mail today...

Congratulation to the owner of this!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


YES, have you ever felt that at any point in time that you don't really know where you are at? Its interesting when it happened, suddenly I felt like I have woken from a dream that I didn't know I was in a dream and the boundary between reality and dream is so blur, so blur that you will question dream as to reality or for that matter, reality to dream, afterall, can you really say you are not in a fantasy land and not the total truth?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Best Partner...

So what is the best partner? It just suddenly pop up as I was telling my brother what I feel is the best partner with sunset in terms of wine...haha...and really got me thinking what and maybe who is the best partner and what is "best" for that matter...?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Focus...so where is the focus now? Master...am I mastering what I believe I should? Believe...am I sustaining my belief? Generosity...Are you working hard enough to be generous?

Questions questions....more questions...need to be reminded and need to be answer asap, as time will not wait for you, no one is going to stop for you, keep that in mind please...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lamole di Lamole Chianti Classico Riserva 2005

Recently I feel that I am building up my interests on italian stuff, mainly food and wine haha, and probably ferrari as well which I cannot afford...anyhow, tonight...I decided that I will have italian cuisine and this time its Al Dente, which the food in itself is excellent, so I recommend you to go for a bite if you have not already been.

Back to the wine of the night, Lamole di Lamole Chianti Classico Riserva 2005, my first chianti and definitely not the last. I remember when I first have any kind of impression on italian wine, its the word chianti that catches my eyes. As this is only my first experience, I can only give my own impression on this wine and this wine alone, not comparing with any other chianti out there in the market...

My initial impression is excellent, haha, mind you, I am only talking about the simplicity of the label and the bottle with the DOCG sticker around the neck, classy! When the bottle is open, I couldn't detect any aroma, which is probably due to the strong tasty smell of the italian food in the air...as the wine is pour into the glass, the colour is of ruby red, definitely on the lighter side and the flow is quite thin...and on the nose, there is a strong sense of young fruits, a very refreshing kind of feeling, cherries, plumes, apricots are all present...on the palate, extremely smooth, light body and simple. Same as the Le Volte, this wine is extremely inviting all through the bottle, very well balanced. The initial sip also gave a positive sourness of fruits which really start off the night and my appetite, bon appetit!

As the night continue, I began to sense a light coffee flavour in the wine but the lightness really last through the entire bottle. Time for visualisation - Initially I felt this wine is extremely youthful, but with the balance structure of the wine, I found myself sitting in a study room in the middle of the night, not long before the sunrise, the quietness and the gentleness of this wine kept me company and give me comfort, though the feeling is so natural that one can hardly detect it but its always there, not making an impression but the naturalness just keep me at ease when I really need it...

So that's all for this wine...

Cheers for now!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Le Volte 2007...

Le Volte 2007 by ORNELLAIA, one of the "Super Tuscan" name that many people will have heard of, and this is their budget selection. Recently I come to realise that Italian wine is on average more expensive than a lot of french wine in terms of the value aspects. Though as a drinker of knowing little about the complexity in wine tasting, I usually comment on a bottle of wine purely based on my own preference...so it is no where close to the professional rating system haha...

Anyway back to this what some people call "Little Super Tuscan" - Le Volte 2007...it has become one of my favourite...due to my habit of drinking wine without any pairing with food, this wine is very well balanced even for drinking alone. The initial taste is full of plumes and berries and continues to develop into tastes of almond which is extremely tasteful...As I continue, my feeling is that I can continue to drink more, a very inviting wine and I never get a feeling of heaviness all through the bottle. If I am to visualise this wine, I would say that I felt like I was walking down a small garden path in Tuscany terroir under the autumn breeze...hmm...in a lazy late afternoon, as the sun is setting in the distance...

Hmm...interesting huh? I only have one bottle left but no worries, Citysuper is promoting this newly released italian wine for the whole of September!

Cheers for now...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mr. Nice Guy!

So what is this all about, you wonder...well...first, let me ask you if you feel that I am a nice guy, and that's a question I leave it up to you to find the answer for yourself...

In a world where one has to be politically correct to be accepted, I wonder if the politically correct me is actually the real me. And if that is not, then I must have been living in a fake me for over 30 years! Fake means not true to one's inner feelings, only showing an aspect of oneself...

I want to be true, no more just an image of me...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Sometimes I feel strange when thousands of things happened within whilst on the outside...its totally quiet as if somewhere somehow the line is disconnected or on another perspective, the 2 worlds seems to be independent from each other...I like to call them "worlds" because they strike me as 2 very confined but at the same time eternal spaces...

Its normal as we will describe it that we always overlook at how things are connected and how things are running like clock works...and only because its so "normal" and running so smoothly that we undoubtedly feel we are ok...every fine details seem to justify themselves so flawlessly that its probably not rocket science for one to work it out that "somewhere" there must be a masterplan...masterplan is really a plan by a master right? So if there is such a plan, then there must be a master or masters since the plan is of a grande scale. Let's hold on a minute here first, we thought we have freedom don't we? So much of freedom...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Birthday month...

Its been a while since my last update...hmm...exactly one entire month! So here goes...its been quite a strange birthday month for me, for one thing, its the first birthday that I didn't have any birthday cakes to cut! Secondly, received some very suitable as well as delicious presents! Thirdly, enjoy the birthday without actually eating the dinner! So I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my dear friends for their thoughtful presents and arrangements...

Its also an interesting month for me as I have realised so much that I didn't know before and actually feel very ashamed of...but now they are in the past and let's look forward right?

And for friends that are going through hard times...I am praying for you and hope that you will be well soon...remember to have faith....


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Its always interesting to observe one's life from an outsider angle...afterall, everyone's life seems to be like a cycle...including mine....a cycle that somehow that I want to be out of, a cycle that seems to repeat itself if I don't have the courage to break through, a cycle that is what I can call a trap that I am so readily trap myself into...isn't that ironical...but what the hell right, I am on a journey with my companion and that is NOT going to change...until death falls upon me....

Saturday, June 20, 2009








Monday, June 8, 2009


After reading another friend's blog, suddenly filled me with hopes and positivity, here I say thank you. I feel that I have reached to another stage in my life finally as I have to let go of my ego and my "facee"...in a way, looking at it now, what's the point to hold on to something that can only give me negative thoughts and never ending chasing of security...so here I say, I am just who I am, nothing more and nothing less...

Monday, June 1, 2009


Macaron, so tiny, yet so full of sweetness and softness. Personally I have fallen in love with these little sweetness from France since the first time I tasted them...try them out when you can...and you will know what I mean.

Monday, May 18, 2009


In the midst of confusion and chaos, there is always an opening, an opening which always lead to a plateau...a plateau is a flat broad surface which carries a deeper meaning of stability. When a plateau is being reached, it will be hard to move through and worse still is the comfort that this is giving me...comfort that a certain level seems to have been reached...comfort that something has been accomplished...an illusionous comfort zone that is designed to keep me there forever...no ends...as whichever directions I look, the same scenery appear before my very eyes...I can no longer define which is which...can you?

Complication and complexity seem to have implanted into me even on this plateau I feel irritated...as I placed myself on this grandeur high ground, the core is too sensitive to stand any "attack" on its righteousness...now that's not a joke...its "righteousness"is pretty serious stuff...extremely vulnerable but at the same time, this vulnerability is a protective shield from being attack...and that's confusing...any gestures can hardly be genuine...as this game has been planned and set up from the very beginning...once realised...I am no longer worthy of talking about love...no wonder I dream of myself running around on the corridor of a hotel floor chasing and hiding, no matter where I go...I am still on the same floor...from start to and end and back to start again...

to be continue...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the name of love...

In the name of love I wish I can be who I truely am...when there are times I lost myself and I no longer recognize my surroundings...where are you? I cannot figure out a way around this, as I dream and I dream of myself running around in circle...hiding...and running again...I feel scared that I don't know what I am running away from and the stupidity in this is that I don't know I am running around in circle...ok...back to the start...as if I am playing a game of monopoly!

A game and I am a player...am I the only player here...I wonder...but from what I can see...people come and they go...but I am always in this monopoly...chasing my own tail...I need to put a stop to this, don't you think...?

So...in the name of love...right now...I doubt I can still use that as a shield...no longer taking, I just wanna give...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


趕 趕不上搭夜航機

結尾 呆望跑道上沙粒轉眼揚起

到 半夜遇到風雪失事了

沉沒了 證實機長都已死




能在海關感嘆 世事沒完美

當 好景不再 我們來聽聽

你到底 出聲打氣 還是只懂得怨命

我相信際遇如一面鏡 用笑代替哭聲

霉運才能撥正 oh 一息間充滿困難

何必驚 跌進海 驚險之際

前面有某座潛艇 沿路定有獎等認領

情願坐著怨幾聲 還是努力搏取拍掌聲

怎麼叫運 視乎你心理



還在呼吸心跳 我未被遺棄

當 好景不再 我們來聽聽

你到底 出聲打氣 還是只懂得怨命

我相信際遇如一面鏡 用笑代替哭聲

霉運才能撥正 撑到底 奮鬥心不死

渡過低潮 我先見到熱潮

成熟了 明白了 才悟到了命途的奧妙


何必驚 跌進海 驚險之際

前面有某座潛艇 沿路定有獎等認領

結果不得要領 我都可給我喝采聲

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


禮儀師之奏鳴曲,你睇左未呢? 只可以說這是一套充滿了愛的電影。拍攝和演出的都是那麼專注,音樂又是那麼的動聽,值得買票入場欣賞。

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


你仲記得1984嘅你是什麼樣子的嗎? 當年發生了一件事,我弟弟出世了。


Friday, April 3, 2009


人 生
聚 散 似 平 常 誰 能 預 料
但 我 卻 難 忘 往 昔 分 秒
與 你 曾 留 下 往 昔 歡 笑
情 感 是 滿 載 痛 苦 與 懊 妙
又 再 次 停 留 呆 望 這 錶
可 惜 你 今 天 已 別 去 了
曾 經 藏 著 的 愛 情 卻 不 敢 承 認
如 今 問 誰 來 做 證
只 得 風 聲 冷 冷 的 呼 應

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rubik's Cube

Wanna share my joy when I have completed this cube, I was so thrilled! Can you hear my joy and my happiness?

Friday, March 27, 2009

A meal full of warmth...

A meal prepared by someone who loves you so much that you can feel the warmth in the food! Can you feel it too? hahaaa...I am such a lucky person and I feel so grateful for it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back at one...

Sharing a song...

t's undeniable... that we should be together...

It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never

The basis you need to know, if you don't know just how I feel,

Then let me show you now that I'm for real...

If all things in time, time will reveal...Yeah...

One... you're like a dream come true...

Two... just wanna be with you...

Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me...

Four... repeat steps one through three...

Five... make you fall in love with me...

If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One (yeah)

So Incredible... the way things work themselves out...

And all emotional, once you know what it's all about babe...

And undesirable... for us to be apart...

Never would of made it very far...

Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart


One... you're like a dream come true

Two... just wanna be with you

Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me

Four.. .repeat steps one through three

Five... make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One......

Say farewell to the dark of night... I see the coming of the sun...

I feel like a little child... whose life has just begun...

You came and breathed new life

Into this lonely heart of mine...

You threw out the life line... just in the Nick of Tiimmmeeee.....

One... you're like a dream come true

Two... just wanna be with you

Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me... girl and...

Four... repeat steps one through three

Five... make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Extremely scary!

Today my hairstylist told me that if I continue to use too much hair products, I might run into the possibility of lossing hair........................if you know me, then you know how scary this is to me!!!

Keep breathing keep breathing....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New adventure!

Today, when I thought I have nothing to write about I realised how much that has happened that I have not get a time to reflect on. Things are starting to move again for me and I am so grateful for the love and support from my dearest friends and their openness for my existence as the way I am. I felt like a little kid again...making a tiny little step into a journey of unknown, an unknown.

Anyhow, I just want to say how grateful I am and that this week I am going to have my little new venture. I can foresee this will be a whole new learning experience for me and I am truely looking forward to it with all my heart.

So you are probably now guessing what that new venture might be? Have a guess!

P.S. Love you all!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



拿得起,放得低, 真的可以嗎?

Little Children

"You could not change the past, but the future could be a different story...you just have to start from somewhere..."

What an inspiring movie!? Everyone looks so normal and yet, everyone is so "different" beneath...I often wonder, what really lies beneath us...do you know?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


食緊午飯嘅時候,聽到依首歌,好想同你分享。。。噢!,我係食緊葡國雞飯 + 凍啡! (得依句係打)...問你怕未~


我未忘在小店 與你吃炸醬面 這生日太經典 

憑珠耳繩使芳心甜 自此開始發展  

若事潛在不變 也要與你逐年 共度難忘經驗  

如經我手的更鮮甜 願跟海鮮血戰 

每份禮物籌劃過 配合你星座  

明年惟求能突破 只清唱半段情歌 

那日會如何度過 而你亦鳴謝我  


今天陪你再大一歲 仍純得似清水  

如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去 

一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞悉你心水  

不忍你 流半滴淚 為了理想新居 


日夜勤力爭氣 每到這個日期 都想給你驚喜 

如卡地亞錶能報喜 儲蓄得有道理

禮物縱未迎合你 仍讚頌我品味 

送上我從前日記 竟使你快樂無比  

接受我未成大器 仍當十全十美 

對合照來描畫你 真跡比鑽戒優美  

今天陪你再大一歲 仍純得似清水 

如我愛你是金句 要講到你睡去  

一生陪你每大一歲 仍洞悉你心水 

不忍你 流半滴淚 能有你這愛侶  


不需首飾的生日裏 使我知 在乎誰



Monday, February 16, 2009


Here is the lyrics...

明月夜 沉靜夜
地面怎麼顯得傾斜 斜向你使我向你走去
重聚夜 流淚夜
面對呼呼北風荒野 你說你今天愛已失去
昨天即使傷我心 淒身盼我暫借
我心已屬別人 Wooh...

一息間 相擁一吻
一息間 深深一吻


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am a person who will irregularly visit fast food chain store...hmm...mainly McDonald's...After many times of visits, I began to see there are people who will just go there and sit alone all day talking with themselves and I see them quite often. I didn't understand back then but today, I believe I understand...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


妳的繪畫凌 亂著 在這個時刻

我想起噴泉 旁的 白鴿 甜蜜散 落了

情緒莫名的 拉扯 我還愛 妳呢

而妳斷斷續續唱 著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇

妳冷了 倦了 我哭了

一開始的不快樂 妳用卡片細寫著

有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢

我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了

開心與不開心 一一細數著 妳在不捨

那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢

我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了

只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

妳的繪畫凌 亂著 在這個時刻

我想起噴泉 旁的 白鴿 甜蜜散 落了

情緒莫名的 拉扯 我還愛 妳呢

伴妳斷斷續續唱 著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇

妳冷了 倦了 我哭了

一開始的不快樂 妳用卡片細寫著

有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢

我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了

開心與不開心 一一細數著 妳在不捨

那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢

我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了

只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢

我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢

我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了

只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停

Monday, February 9, 2009


Every time I eat "蛋治", a lot of memories flash back from the distant past. The time when I was still in my junior school, an uncle who has now passed away used to take me to swimming and at the end of every session, we go eat "蛋治"... from memory, it was the best "蛋治" I have had so far...Also a time, when I was being called "蛋治" as a nickname, it was a lot of fun, thinking about it now...So everynow and then, I will sit as I sit here now and order my "蛋治" to enjoy myself in this past that still seems to me only happen yesterday...

Saturday, February 7, 2009



只要相信尚存愛 就算多深的海 難以阻礙

總有天你心會開 然後我會踏進來

只要真正在乎你 為那小小悲衰 誰當傷害

因你一眼一喝彩 難道這也不算愛

無需聲嘶愛意若不徹底 甚麼想愛你十萬年亦難及默契

情歌千首不管怎麼發揮 那夠垂頭默默吻你手靜靜放低

如要靠開口 先知我在左右 講多久都也未夠

神情若協奏 心事能看透 讓漂亮說話化做每日美麗挽手

情要說出口 先知那是溫柔 只因彼此愛未夠

一擁抱顫抖 比愛字還深厚 無言無語 才無憂

不夠資格做情聖 但靠彼此雙手游進生命心似手語可發聲 才是虔誠的見證

如要靠開口 先知我在左右 講多久都也未夠

甜言像雨花 怎樣能永久讓漂亮說話變做每日美麗挽手

誰要等開口 先找到藉口 親一吻吻出然後

當思緒圍著你走 比愛字還深厚 無言無語 才無憂

Friday, February 6, 2009

李克勤 - 在一起卻很寂寞

你害怕 聽見我聲音
我害怕 家裡每束燈
每面鏡 反映了大廳更加暗
我愛穩定 你愛繽紛
笑下去 可會更開心
怨下去 將積怨再加深
曾經 沿著那美麗大城鎮
行入了最絕掘頭路 蠶食你我光陰

要一起 嫌平凡
要分手 嫌為難
看傷口 在腐爛
看鐘擺 熬時間

我獨個 恐怕會孤單
你共我 只不過更孤單
人生 全為了要腐蝕時間
如若我已熟習平淡 容易過過三關

要一起 嫌平凡
要分手 嫌為難
若相擁當作上班 令賬單堆積似山
最悲慘夜漫漫 最終竟雲霞散

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I hope you can roughly tell from this not very clear photo of my own cooking of "碟頭飯"! As with the taste...hmm...its not bad but I think I will do a sunny side up next time!
What do you think?

Monday, February 2, 2009


That's what I call AGED! When this pair of sneakers is brand new, I wore them with so much care that I clean them as often as I could. But after a while, I just got real sick of cleaning them and put them aside for quite a long while without wearing. Recently I took them out again and start wearing them and they feel real comfy but they are aged which is afterall...the trend at the moment...Comfy and aged! Sometimes...beauty does last a life time, don't you think?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


The "X" finally hits the market and I am thrilled!

How about you?


Still remember this game? A game of monopoly is extremely revealing as one will naturally become one's "true-self" when this game proceed. In life, isn't this how we based our judgement on?

I wonder if you are too...

Friday, January 30, 2009


Each of us is a different being, in that we all have very different characters and some characters have more clarity than others. Clarity comes from how many times you express yourself repeatedly in the same fashion. In that sense, we can all be able to express ourselves fully...theoretically. The catch however, is do you really know yourself enough for such expression of your own being?


Thursday, January 29, 2009


I still remember when I first get in touch with this name in the year 2007. Its interesting we do bypass fine details in our life but someday somewhere...these fine details always reappear, intersect with our path again...if we look at our path as a "line" in a 3 dimensional plain, it does consist of infinite possibilities rather than a simple straight line. There are so many corners that we might turn which therefore lead to so many experiences around these corners waiting for us. Life is never meant to be a finite journey and I do believe there will be more intersections and when the time is right, I will be here for you without conditions.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chinese New Year

Its interesting to be a chinese because we do have two new year's eves! if you think about it, won't it be nice to always get another chance for a new beginning every now and then? Greedy? YES!

What do you think I wonder and wonder...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Every now and then in our lives, we all have to make some sort of decisions. Sometimes, as we are moving along the path, we seems to forget some of the sweet memories that we have had and continue to savour on the not so sweet memories that stuck in our head. Is that to do with the basic brain structure of us human beings? But as I am now stopping for a moment to refresh myself with these sweet notes, I feel grateful and I feel contented.

How about you?

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Monday, January 12, 2009

A Poem

By an unknown author, I share this with you.

Letting Go Takes Love.

To let go does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off, it's the realization I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable, but allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try to change or blame another, it's to make the most of myself.
To let go is not to care for, but to care about.
To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their destinies.
To let go is not to be protective, it's to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny, but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To let go is not to criticize or regulate anybody, but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
To let go is to fear less and love more.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Late night with Stan Getz...

It has been a while since I last have whisky at this time of the night. Its quiet and its as if I am the only in this entire world...while writing this, my tivoli is playing "The Girl From Ipanema" in the background...an old time favourite and do you know its Bossa Nova's 50th anniversary this year? Wonder if you are having a sweet dream and if so, what do you dream about? I am sure you will love this piece of music, light and cheeky, I wish you goodnight, my sweetheart.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

5mins...before lunch.

5 mins before lunch, writing extremely quickly and writing with thoughts going through my head at a very high speed...the excitement of lunch really gets to office people don't you think? Though you might not be the one in the office but I am sure same feeling applies! So let's go have a great lunch and back to work later...

Mo Liu Snap!

In office, obviously working super hard as you can see, can't you?

Monday, January 5, 2009


This is my first post in 2009 and already I am experiencing a feeling of many new stuff coming this way! Letting go of the past and confronting what's waitng ahead is both exciting and blessing, though it sounded like as if I am a warrior but I can tell you I am not one of them and I really believe and have faith in what's being installed and what's coming, they will only be for my best interest and for the benefit of my journey.

I feel blessed because the big picture show me that you have accepted me the way I was many years ago and still is accepting the way I am today. I am forever grateful for this.

I pray that each one of you have a great experience in this coming time and be able to stay in the loving space in this chaotic real illusionist space.